
Universal crank arm and adapter to be fixed to the damper shaft

ZKComplete set of ZKA + ZKG + ZKH Datasheet
ZKAUniversal crank arm and adapter to be fixed to the damper shaft Datasheet
ZKG2 Ball joints to be fixed to ZKA and ZKH with a rod M8 Datasheet
ZKHCrank arm to be fixed to the actuator, including a center bolt Datasheet
PAPosition transmitter for Modulating Actuator for surface mounting Datasheet
PFPosition transmitter for Modulating Actuator for front mounting Datasheet
ZGS-12Protective housing for JOVENTA standard actuator for 12mm roundspindle Datasheet
ZGS-12-VProtective housing for JOVENTA standard actuator for 12mm squarespindle Datasheet
ZGS-16Protective housing for JOVENTA standard actuator for 16mm roundspindle Datasheet
ZGS-18Protective housing for JOVENTA standard actuator for 18mm roundspindle Datasheet
ZGS-20Protective housing for JOVENTA standard actuator for 20mm roundspindle Datasheet
ZGF-12Protective housing for JOVENTA springback actuator for 12mm roundspindle Datasheet
ZGF-12-VProtective housing for JOVENTA springback actuator for 12mm squarespindle Datasheet
ZGF-16Protective housing for JOVENTA sprinback actuator for 16mm roundspindle Datasheet
ZGF-18Protective housing for JOVENTA springback actuator for 18mm roundspindle Datasheet
ZGF-20Protective housing for JOVENTA springback actuator for 20mm roundspindle Datasheet
ST1.72NDuct Temperature Sensor Datasheet